So we get married and all the image layers come peeling off. We’re in close quarters and what could be intimate in our marriages falls victim to real life. Early on we get used to comments insults and reactions. He use to be so sensitive and hear what I have to say. She used to be so affectionate now I can’t get close. why does he always do this when we are having sex. Why does she always say the wrong thing at the wrong time…’That tickles do it this way.
With each new encounter first month to 30 years comes new reactions that come to be expected. We teach each other who we are and what we can expect. We file these reactions and this all comes together in formulating our marital expectations.
We communicate and without even knowing we’re turning our spouses off. We’re human we get use to things. I can’t talk to her when she’s and he does this when he is pressured. Soon our day to day lives are running on automatic pilot. Hurt and needs go unnoticed and we become insensitive. Some of us become our parents marriages.
So what to do. A little reality check-in might be in order…you know honey why is it that we act the way we do. This really turns me off when you do this and I get so mad and frustrate. I don’t want to be that way. Can you be a little more considerate and not so punitive.
Hey you two roll up those sleeves and tackle some of this marital inertia by looking at your behavior and standing in your spouse’s shoes. Extinguish some of the turn offs and you’ll open the door for a more understanding marriage with less friction and a smoother happier relationship will have the room to emerge.
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