Life is busy! No kidding Zev really!….. Still we all need to consider some marriage routine renovation. ….So you need to plan something like a date, a devoted to the two of you evening, a dinner, a night on the town.  Think possible ….Can do ….If there are budget restraints then you can do it low cost or improvise. Your marriage is worth the attention and cost of doing something which draws the two of you together into an adventure. Something that’s exciting diverting and maybe even give you pangs of anticipation.
Let’s focus on the event and how you’ll look and what treats the two of you will experience. You need a breakout of the routine and the where with all to extricate yourself from the life -marriage status quo for an evening, a day, a weekend, a week……zevop4
Look your best…..If you don’t look your best, commit to work on getting yourself in the best shape and looking great because that feeling will radiate. Even if it doesn’t do your marriage one bit of good, it’s a real good thing for you to do  personally as an individual. When you work on looking your best, it will radiate to others and to your spouse. This a no lose proposition……… an investment in your enjoyment of what treat, thrills and pleasurable mutual diversions life has to offer….So get that drawing board out and brainstorm some marriage routine renovations. It could really  be a springboard to a more fulfilling and intimate marital relationship.


I have lot’s more suggestions and if you follow this link you will find a clear path to reconnecting your marriage for much more fulfillment and a loving exchange.

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